5,961 research outputs found

    Higher Spin Gravitational Couplings and the Yang--Mills Detour Complex

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    Gravitational interactions of higher spin fields are generically plagued by inconsistencies. We present a simple framework that couples higher spins to a broad class of gravitational backgrounds (including Ricci flat and Einstein) consistently at the classical level. The model is the simplest example of a Yang--Mills detour complex, which recently has been applied in the mathematical setting of conformal geometry. An analysis of asymptotic scattering states about the trivial field theory vacuum in the simplest version of the theory yields a rich spectrum marred by negative norm excitations. The result is a theory of a physical massless graviton, scalar field, and massive vector along with a degenerate pair of zero norm photon excitations. Coherent states of the unstable sector of the model do have positive norms, but their evolution is no longer unitary and their amplitudes grow with time. The model is of considerable interest for braneworld scenarios and ghost condensation models, and invariant theory.Comment: 19 pages LaTe

    Divergence terms in the supertrace heat asymptotics for the de Rham complex on a manifold with boundary

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    We use invariance theory to determine the coefficient am+1,md+δa_{m+1,m}^{d+\delta} in the supertrace for the twisted de Rham complex with absolute boundary conditions.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, Theorem 1.2 correcte

    Money Illusion, Price Expectations, and the Aggregate Consumption Function

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    Interactions of a String Inspired Graviton Field

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    We continue to explore the possibility that the graviton in two dimensions is related to a quadratic differential that appears in the anomalous contribution of the gravitational effective action for chiral fermions. A higher dimensional analogue of this field might exist as well. We improve the defining action for this diffeomorphism tensor field and establish a principle for how it interacts with other fields and with point particles in any dimension. All interactions are related to the action of the diffeomorphism group. We discuss possible interpretations of this field.Comment: 12 pages, more readable, references adde

    Further functional determinants

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    Functional determinants for the scalar Laplacian on spherical caps and slices, flat balls, shells and generalised cylinders are evaluated in two, three and four dimensions using conformal techniques. Both Dirichlet and Robin boundary conditions are allowed for. Some effects of non-smooth boundaries are discussed; in particular the 3-hemiball and the 3-hemishell are considered. The edge and vertex contributions to the C3/2C_{3/2} coefficient are examined.Comment: 25 p,JyTex,5 figs. on request

    Statistical mechanics approach to some problems in conformal geometry

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    A weak law of large numbers is established for a sequence of systems of N classical point particles with logarithmic pair potential in \bbR^n, or \bbS^n, n\in \bbN, which are distributed according to the configurational microcanonical measure δ(E−H)\delta(E-H), or rather some regularization thereof, where H is the configurational Hamiltonian and E the configurational energy. When N→∞N\to\infty with non-extensive energy scaling E=N^2 \vareps, the particle positions become i.i.d. according to a self-consistent Boltzmann distribution, respectively a superposition of such distributions. The self-consistency condition in n dimensions is some nonlinear elliptic PDE of order n (pseudo-PDE if n is odd) with an exponential nonlinearity. When n=2, this PDE is known in statistical mechanics as Poisson-Boltzmann equation, with applications to point vortices, 2D Coulomb and magnetized plasmas and gravitational systems. It is then also known in conformal differential geometry, where it is the central equation in Nirenberg's problem of prescribed Gaussian curvature. For constant Gauss curvature it becomes Liouville's equation, which also appears in two-dimensional so-called quantum Liouville gravity. The PDE for n=4 is Paneitz' equation, and while it is not known in statistical mechanics, it originated from a study of the conformal invariance of Maxwell's electromagnetism and has made its appearance in some recent model of four-dimensional quantum gravity. In differential geometry, the Paneitz equation and its higher order n generalizations have applications in the conformal geometry of n-manifolds, but no physical applications yet for general n. Interestingly, though, all the Paneitz equations have an interpretation in terms of statistical mechanics.Comment: 17 pages. To appear in Physica

    Heat-kernel coefficients of the Laplace operator on the D-dimensional ball

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    We present a very quick and powerful method for the calculation of heat-kernel coefficients. It makes use of rather common ideas, as integral representations of the spectral sum, Mellin transforms, non-trivial commutation of series and integrals and skilful analytic continuation of zeta functions on the complex plane. We apply our method to the case of the heat-kernel expansion of the Laplace operator on a DD-dimensional ball with either Dirichlet, Neumann or, in general, Robin boundary conditions. The final formulas are quite simple. Using this case as an example, we illustrate in detail our scheme ---which serves for the calculation of an (in principle) arbitrary number of heat-kernel coefficients in any situation when the basis functions are known. We provide a complete list of new results for the coefficients B3,...,B10B_3,...,B_{10}, corresponding to the DD-dimensional ball with all the mentioned boundary conditions and D=3,4,5D=3,4,5.Comment: 29 pages, LaTex, lines had been cut in the previous version by transmission, no further change
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